If you see the following message when attempting to access Youtube.co.uk

This happens when the Sophos firewall/content filter can not determine who you are, as such you will be restricted to a Pupil Policy that will block certain inappropriate sites.

This can usually be corrected by performing a reboot of your device while connected to the school network.

Sometimes this is not always convenient, however it is possible to pass through your own credentials to assign yourself the Staff Policy.

On the block Page select the 'Logon to this Network' button.  You may be redirected to the Google Security Warning page.

Here you must select 'Advanced' and then 'Proceed to website'

Once connected to the Sophos Log in Prompt you can input a username and password to authenticate.

You can use your normal Windows log in credentials at this point.

If you are unsure what your credentials may be contact the IT Department who can advise you.