Press and hold on the Sign in screen for 5 seconds.

Select 'Go to Settings'

*** Input pin 3573 ***

On the settings page select 'Evacuation' in the very top right

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**If you have weak or no signal at the designated fire assembly point**

Scroll over to the right for the third option 'Local Reports'

This will launch the Evacuation mode in an offline setting so that it can still be performed even with no internet signal available.

Otherwise select the first option for Normal Evacuation mode.

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This is the Fire Evacuation Overview Page.

Visitors, deliveries, and staff are divided into separate groups, a small synopsis of each is displayed with more details of who the systems can see as 'Signed in' and who is 'Accounted for'

If you wish you can press the timer in the top right to start a stopwatch on the evacuation procedure.

Select Each category and mark each user as 'Accounted for' on the screen.

Once everybody has been checked press the back button and do the same for the other categories.

When ready to complete the register, select 'Finish'

You now have the option to add any notes or comments.  This is optional, press 'Continue' when ready to proceed.

At the end, you will be presented with the Evacuation summary page.