If you’re currently experiencing problems opening Sign In App Companion on your Android device, you may have been affected by an update Google released earlier this week.

Update 2.4.0

We have addressed these issues in a new update, 2.4.0. If you are experiencing problems when opening the app, please download this update. You may be asked to enter a new authorisation code, if so you should have received an email with instructions on how to generate a new code. This email had the subject 'Important information for Android users'.


If you need urgent access and the app update is not showing, users can temporarily roll back the WebView update in order to get the app working again. The Android System WebView can be downgraded by going to Settings > Apps & Notifications > See All Apps > Android System WebView and tapping the three dots in the top right and then tapping 'Uninstall Updates'. This will roll back to the version that comes with the Android OS the phone is running. This should temporarily resolve the issue, however please be aware we do not know the impact this may have on other apps.